Youth Mentoring

Be the adult who changes a life.

For more than three decades, our mentoring program has matched committed Christian adults with our community’s kids and young people who need someone to look up to, individualized attention, and more adults committed to their future.

mentors and mentees

Kids Currently Matched

Kids on Our Waitlist

Years of Ministry

Mentor Match

& Lizzie

Mentor Match

& Corban

Mentor Match

& Mikey

Youth Impact

Mentors fill the gap for kids.

Kids have an inherent, deep need to be seen and heard.

When you commit to one year of mentoring, you help fill gaps in a kid’s life and set the course for a successful future. By helping mentees work through academic development, build practical life skills, and cultivate their spiritual life, you improve their horizons.

Team Impact

Changing lives takes community.

Our mentorship program includes Youth Advocate Mentor Coaches who equip mentors and support mentees and their families.

Our Mentor Coaches are there for the children and their families throughout the match process, to answer questions and be a point of contact. For mentors, Coaches advise and provide research-driven tools, so you’re never left on your own.

youth horizons mentor coaches
youth horizons mentor program wichita kansas
Personal Impact

Mentoring also grows the mentor.

Mentoring is a one-on-one relationship that works two ways.

Our program will equip you with methods, insights, and first-hand experience to navigate relationships. We provide resources and build interpersonal skills that help you not only with your mentee, but also with other relationships in your life.

I mentor to make a difference. Every child deserves to have someone who cares about them and who they become.”

Olivia Stineman
Become a Youth Mentor

Impact one life
at a time.

Learn more about the process for becoming a mentor at Youth Horizons.