Mentor Program

September Mentor Match Anniversaries

september mentor match anniversaries at youth horizons

Celebrating Our Mentors: The Lifelong Impact of Mentorship

At Youth Horizons, we believe every child deserves a caring adult to walk alongside them through life’s ups and downs. And we depend on our Christian church community to nurture and produce those caring adults in the form of a mentor. Mentors play an incredibly important role in the development of children, especially those in foster care or facing challenging life circumstances. Mentors provide not only guidance but also consistency, trust, and a sense of belonging—elements that are often missing for many of the kids we serve.

The Power of Mentorship

National mentoring statistics emphasize the transformative impact of having a mentor in a child’s life. According to research from MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership, kids with mentors are:

  • 55% more likely to enroll in college
  • 78% more likely to volunteer regularly
  • 46% less likely to use drugs
  • 81% more likely to participate in extracurricular activities

These statistics reveal the broad range of benefits mentorship offers, from academic achievement to emotional and social development. For many kids, a mentor is the key to unlocking their potential.

Celebrating Our Mentors

Our mentors are part of the foundation of our mission, and we are incredibly grateful for the time, energy, and love they invest in the lives of our youth. They are changing lives—one conversation, one shared experience, one act of kindness at a time.

If you’ve ever wondered if becoming a mentor could make a difference, the answer is clear: yes. Mentorship has the power to change lives, and the need for mentors has never been greater. To all of our mentors: thank you for being a guiding light and for helping us build brighter futures for the kids in our care.

And a special thanks to the churches who nurture our September anniversary mentors:

River Community Church
Pathway Church Goddard
Innoveo Vineyard Church
The District Church
South Rock Christian Church