8 Ways to Be An Advocate

mentors and mentees

Advocacy is the act of supporting a cause or a group of people who face social inequality or injustice. It takes us, and it takes you.

To help you to discover what advocacy means for you, and how to practice it in your everyday life, we’ve come up with a list of 8 ways you can put it into action.

  1. Spend time in your community
    Engage with your community, explore your neighborhood and city, familiarize yourself with existing community groups and ongoing initiatives, and try to identify areas of need that still require attention.
  2. Commit to one small act a day or week
    Find something that connects with your interests and values. For example, if you are concerned about the environment, consider helping create a community garden at our boys ranch or girls home.
  3. Volunteer
    There are so many organizations that need volunteers to help them with their missions, ours included. There are opportunities to work directly with the kids and families that we support, and indirectly by activating in one of our fundraising events. Volunteers are the backbone of every community. Make sure you weave it into your own advocacy plan.
  4. Support those who align with your values
    Consciously spend your money supporting products, services, companies and organizations that have values that match your own. There is power in collaboration, and your show of collaboration starts with your spending choices.
  5. Share other’s social media content
    The world wide web has put the ability to share in the click of a finger, allowing us to share issues and solutions in a matter of seconds. Hashtag to show your support for movements, news, and the ministries you believe in. Help gather people both virtually and IRL.
  6. Incorporate donation options into events you host From book clubs to neighborhood meetings to parties, invite attendees to bring things like canned food or personal care products along with them. Then, donate the collection to a local organization. Typically, most people will have these items on hand already so this is a great way to engage your closest community in activism.
  7. Find mentors and guides
    Lots of them. Notice which leaders you are feeling called to. Which ones challenge you and offer you opportunities for growth? Explore different mediums— podcasts, books, Instagram influencers, educators, and so on. Then apply #5 above.
  8. Practice self care AND collective care
    In order to show up fully for advocacy, we need to be refueled and recharged. Maintain practices that allow you to play, rest, and quiet the mind. Advocate for these practices to be applied in all of the spaces you show up – family, work, school, movements, etc. Adding collective care to the mix means caring for the wellbeing of everyone, with the understanding that we need one another – and need our work to be sustainable.

Feeling inspired? Or need more inspiration? We’re happy to guide you into an advocacy role that fits your values, beliefs and goals. We are overflowing with ideas!