
From Protégé to Resident

kinloch price boys ranch at Youth Horizons

An astounding advocacy victory has taken place within Youth Horizons for a young Protégé. He is currently part of our Mentoring Program and has now been granted the opportunity to reside at the Kinloch Price Boys Ranch (KPBR) instead of serving time in a juvenile center. This decision came after a recent sentencing hearing where the judge, familiar with the positive impact of Youth Horizons, acknowledged the support provided by the program’s staff and the representation by the Protégé’s attorney. The mentoring and residential staff’s six-month-long advocacy efforts have culminated in this triumph, which is particularly beneficial for the young man involved.

The Protégé’s Mentor, Archie Eutsler, has also played a crucial role throughout this process, offering unwavering support during the transition to KPBR. Judge Richard Macias presided over this case and, after the trial, expressed a desire to visit KPBR and Wren, further highlighting the community’s engagement with the Youth Horizons program and its mission. This development not only represents a personal triumph for the young man but also serves as a testament to the power of dedicated mentorship and the potential for rehabilitation and positive change within the foster care system.