
Volunteer Highlight: F3 Wichita

F3 wichita volunteer highlight

What does a multi-month volunteer program at Youth Horizons – Kinloch Price Boys Ranch (KPBR) look like when driven by a dedicated group of men? It looks like physical resiliency training every Monday night with our boys in foster care. Time for a volunteer highlight!

F3 Wichita is part of a national network of men who dedicate themselves to

  1. Fitness : Open to all men of any fitness level with peer-led workouts designed to be challenging for all, while not leaving anyone behind.
  2. Fellowship: Bonds of genuine friendship are formed in the pre-dawn Gloom and strengthened through social gatherings, races, and endurance challenges.
  3. Faith: Not a religious organization, but we believe we are not the center of the universe and challenge each other to live for something bigger than ourselves.
F3 wichita men's fitness volunteer highlight

The men of F3 Wichita committed to training the boys at KPBR on a weekly basis for the past several months, offering a blend of physical fitness and mentorship that yields notable benefits. Their presence has provided not only structured physical activity, promoting health and wellness, but has also instilled discipline, teamwork, and perseverance. Beyond the physical advantages, these interactions nurture positive developmental relationships, offering the boys consistent role models who demonstrate values such as integrity, commitment, and compassion. This dual focus on physical and mental well-being helps build self-esteem, resilience, and a sense of belonging, creating a supportive environment that aids in the boys’ overall development and success.

The program ends now when school starts, and we want to take this moment to send out HUGE appreciation props to the following men (in no particular order) that participated in this program for our boys.

Garrett Kissell
Adam Womack
Aaron Alexander
Brian Stratton
Doug Ledbetter
Josh Pearce
Kyle Tucker
Adolfo Sanchez
Brian Prahm
Daniel Kiser
Tyler Harrison
Craig Daniel
Johannon Rucker
Joel Cota
Luke Broddle
Jesse Pearson
Steve Rothwell
Andrew Jarvis
Jacob Jarvis
Glenn Thompson
Johnny Rothwell

We are thankful to each of them for their gift of time – and serving as a role model of volunteerism, many of the benefits seen already now, others yet to emerge in the futures of these young men.