We Are But Caretakers of His Land

deer at kinloch price boys ranch
foster residence properties at Youth Horizons

The Kinloch Price Boys Ranch and Wren House for girls properties

Leviticus 25:23 The land, moreover, shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine; for you are but aliens and sojourners with Me.

At Youth Horizons, We are blessed to be the chosen caretakers of these two gifted properties – yet we know that all land is His, given in divine trust.

What is the meaning behind Leviticus 25:23?
In this verse, God reassures the Israelites of His ownership of the land they inhabit. The concept of land in biblical times was not just about property; it was deeply linked to identity, culture, and divine promise. When God says, “the land is mine,” he emphasizes that all creation belongs to Him, and therefore, humans do not have the absolute right to permanently sell land that He has provided for their sustenance and living. Rather, the Israelites were considered as sojourners or strangers, which suggests a temporary status. This status indicates that they have to respect God’s ownership and steward the land responsibly while recognizing their own transient nature. It places a moral responsibility on them regarding how they treat the land and each other.