Advocacy and Education

The 4 S’s Interview: Supports Questions

4 S's Interview: Supports

Remember your own childhood—the people that supported you, those you could talk to and trust, and who made a significant impact on your life? Reflecting on these connections can help you understand the importance of being that source of support and inspiration for today’s kids.

Using these questions will help find out the level of existing SUPPORTS, and help identify those still needed:

  1. Who are the people that matter most to you?
  2. Who can you talk to when you have a problem?
  3. Are the programs you participate in or places you go that help you do things you want to do or need to do?

That’s it. You just finished the final phase of the 4 S’s Interview Questions. Without a doubt you are more aware and better informed about the kids you interacted with. And in the process, you may very well have become one of those supports and connections they so desperately need.

Well done.

Previous: 4 S’s Interview: Struggles Questions

Also in this series:
Developmental Relationships
The 4 S’s principals
How to begin the 4 S’s Interview
4 S’s Interview: Sparks Questions
4 S’s Interview: Strengths Questions

4 S's Interview: Supports